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In this short webinar we will interview Bryan Graham, EnRoute Fabrication Expert and Adendo Advisor. In our interview not only will you get to know this EnRoute Expert but also see a few example of how EnRoute is used for plasma cutting.
Anyone using EnRoute who may have an interest or even a curiosity about plasma cutting.
I use Enroute Software for my own Metal Fabrication Business. I am proficient with creating and editing DXF files in Enroute. I am a down to earth guy that uses Enroute every day, but also run the burn table and do all of the welding. I create “Ready to Cut” files as well as 2D Cad Files for all of the Gates and Entryways that I Fabricate.
I worked 35 years in the Power Industry and then started my Custom Metal Business 4 years ago. I use Enroute for creating and editing DXF files for my Shop Sabre CNC Plasma. I also use Enroute for mockups of all of my gate projects. I send mockups to the customers drawn to scale and this also helps me with the required spacing, lengths, angles, etc. Enroute has been a very good tool for my business.
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SAi est la société leader en matière de logiciels de conception, d'impression et de découpe pour les ateliers d'impression et de signalétique professionnels. Flexi est un standard reconnu dans l'industrie, et EnRoute complète notre offre en apportant la même qualité, la même facilité d'utilisation et la même philosophie à l'usinage et à la production CNC.
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